
There are two mottos that I created, and live by each day:
“Make up your mind, Train your body, Change your Life!”
“If you’re going to bet on anything, let it be yourself!”
– Meeka Johnson

I’m always inspired when I witness those I admire thrive and accomplish great things. I can truly say that Meeka Johnson’s journey has been one of my favorites to watch. I was honored to meet this fellow communications pro almost 10 years ago while sharing moderator responsibilities at a political debate. Since that time, we have celebrated each other while excelling in our careers and, most recently, I have become one of Meeka’s biggest fans following her fitness journey through the IG platform, MeeksWillLose.

Without question, this young lady is A WHOLE MOOD, and after reading this interview, I am sure I will agree!

Meeka of Meekswilllose

May: Tell me about yourself.

Meeka: I’m Shemeeka, age 32, based in Atlanta, GA. I’m a Public Relations professional and, as of recent, a fitness enthusiast!

May:  Awesome! So what influenced you to share your journey via MeeksWillLose?

Meeka: Well, once I reached my first weight loss goal of 100lbs down, I felt that this milestone was worth sharing, and might inspire others who were considering embarking on a fitness journey of their own.

May: Absolutely! It’s obvious that you have inspired so many. So, what has served as your personal motivation in this journey?

Meeka: The two Davids in my life. My dad, David, has always been a huge advocate for health and being active, so being able to share my progress with him has been very rewarding. My son, David, is also one of my biggest motivators. He’s had a front row seat to this entire journey, and through it, I hope to teach him the value of hard work, discipline, and that anything-absolutely anything- is within your reach, if you’re willing to put in the effort. I also look inward to remain motivated. I’m a firm believer that everything you need, is already inside of you. I decided to become my own body goals.

May: How long have you had your platform and how would you like it to evolve over time?

Meeka: My fitness page is just under a year old, and the following and support thus far have been remarkable. I share everything related to my fitness journey- how I eat, move, and remain motivated. I am constantly pushing myself to create content that inspires a diverse audience, while still being candid and open about my journey. Each Friday, for example, I create a video of my workout and title it “Flex Friday” to get people inspired to move! The messages and comments that I receive daily prove that this type of content is wanted and needed. I have some big plans for the next chapter of my journey that will hopefully aid others in reaching their goals. Until then, I’ll continue to be open and share my experience along the way.

May: What impact would you like to have on others by sharing your story?

Meeka: My starting weight was 326lbs. I have always believed in myself and my ability to work hard to reach my goals, but losing more than 125lbs so far- I have even shocked myself. Not everyone that follows my journey is seeking to lose 100lbs, but regardless of your fitness goals, I hope to serve as a reference point to say: “If Meeka can shed more than 100 pounds naturally through clean eating and exercise, what CAN’T I do?” I’d also like to continue putting on for the “thick girls” who can move and serve looks as well as anyone else! Period!

May: Since starting your journey, have you had any “ah ha” moments that you would like to share?

Meeka: There have been so many…I’ve recently acknowledged that my biggest transformation has not been external, but internal. I have literally transformed my life, and each day that I wake up and move, I am making spiritual, mental, and emotional deposits into a life that I’ve always dreamed of. People tell me all the time, “You’re a totally different person!” I firmly disagree. Inside, I’m the same Meeka. Externally, and what others see, is just me becoming the very BEST version of myself.

May: How can people learn more about you?

Meeka: Anyone interested in tracking my progress and sending an encouraging word can do so by following my IG fitness page at I’ll be sharing some exciting news with my followers soon, so please keep an eye out for that big announcement!