I’m A Whole Mood Features Melissa, Owner of Honey Bee Organics, LLC

by | Dec 24, 2020 | A Whole Mood | 3 comments

Melissa S.

Through the I’m A Whole Mood initiative, my goal is to highlight ways to improve overall health and wellness – especially among black and brown people and women – and those with platforms that amplify living well. Melissa S. does just that through her company, Honey Bee Organics, LLC, an Atlanta-based company that specializes in organic products. A few months ago, Melissa agreed to an interview, where we discussed her wellness journey, holistic practices, and her signature sea moss gel.


Melissa S. – A Whole Mood


May: Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Melissa: I’m 35 years old. I’m an exercise physiologist with a passion for health and wellness. My company, Honey Bee Organics, LLC, is based in Atlanta, Ga. Many people ask why I chose the name “Honey Bee Organics.” Melissa derives from the Greek word mélissa, meaning “bee,” which was taken from the word for honey, meli.

honey bee organicsMay:  How long have you been selling organic products, including your signature sea moss gel?

Melissa: I launched my business May 12, 2020

May: What influenced you to start selling products?

Melissa: I had been having issues with fatigue due to insomnia and I had also started suffering from anxiety. As a result of not having much energy, I was drinking two to three cups of coffee to get through the day. My doctor had given me a prescription to help me sleep but I didn’t want to become dependent on it. I wanted to get to the root cause of the problem versus just treating the symptoms. I started researching holistic ways to improve my sleep, mental/emotional health and overall wellness. During my search, sea moss came up quite often. Ironically, a friend of mine happened to bring up sea moss in a conversation one day and offered to give me a few jars since I had never tried it! After about two weeks of taking it, I could tell a difference in my energy levels. I started getting seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. My muscles recovered much quicker after my workouts. I started using it as a face mask once a week and I noticed my skin getting clearer with less breakouts. I noticed myself being more calm and clear headed. I didn’t become overwhelmed easily anymore. Also, my menstrual cramps are non-existent! I used to get terrible cramps in my lower back, but I did not anymore! I was sold! I continued to take it for several months before I decided to introduce it to others. I wanted to be sure I didn’t have any adverse reactions.

May: Sounds like you had a great experience! What benefits can your customers/clients look forward to when trying sea moss?

Melissa: Sea moss is known for containing 92 out of the 102 minerals vital to the body. It supports a healthy lifestyle and helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

Direct benefits include:

  • Boosting the immune system
  • Increasing energy/stamina
  • Dissolving mucus
  • Increasing sex drive/libido
  • Nourishing skin (helps with eczema, psoriasis, burns, dry skin)
  • Relieving menstrual cramps
  • Aiding in digestion
  • Aiding in weight loss
  • Boosting metabolism
  • Improving mental/emotional health
  • Improving thyroid function
  • Reducing inflammation in joints/bones
  • Speeding muscle recovery
  • Relieving migraines
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Supporting anemia

…and so much MORE!!**

 May: As a black woman, why do you believe wellness is important for other black women (and men)?

Melissa: My entire life, I have watched my family suffer from various ailments such as heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, depression and other mental health disorders. I started to notice that they were always prescribed medications but no one ever suggested lifestyle changes. Black people were not being educated on the importance of exercise, therapy, nutrition, hydration, meditation, yoga, herbs, supplements and general self-care, yet we are the main ethnicity at risk for most diseases! When people think of “healthy”, they focus solely on the physical not realizing that their mental, spiritual and emotional health are equally important. In order for our vessels to operate appropriately we have to be in full alignment. As a culture we have been taught to work hard and be strong in the midst of everything we’re up against, yet we neglect taking care of ourselves. We put others first not realizing we can’t help others without first taking care of ourselves! Often times we feed disease by the things we consume. We make those food and lifestyle choices out of convenience due to what is instilled in us at an early age, lack of resources, lack of knowledge or lack of time. For years, we have been conditioned to think that quick fixes or drastic measures have to be taken to improve our health when that is not the case. It is important that we change the narrative and shift our mindset by not limiting ourselves to popping a pill for relief or taking shortcuts. I’m an advocate for getting to the root cause of an issue versus masking the symptoms. My goal is to promote lifestyle changes to prevent and improve diseases/ailments while offering holistic alternatives for overall health!

May: Awesome! I completely agree. So how can people learn more about your company and your product(s)?

Melissa: The website to my shop is https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShopHoneyBeeOrganics and my instagram platform is @shophoneybeeorganics. I will be offering other products in the near future. Stay tuned for more essentials for health, beauty and wellness!

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat or prevent any disease.